As with all technology transitions, this will even out in a few years, and it might be a little smoother on the Android side thanks to USB Type-C. USB alternate modes can be used to output the same four-signal audio over a Type-C port that you get with a headphone jack. The move to USB-Type-C offers a viable standard for audio and charging over a single port too. Better adapters and even headphones with the Type-C connector will start popping up, and this is a standard anyone can implement (Apple controls Lightning). It’s also possible to charge and get audio over a Type-C power, or rather it will be eventually. A Type-C adapter could be designed that lets you do both.
It’s likely that Android phones will start coming out in the next year or two that lack a headphone jack. If you don’t mind dealing with some inconveniences to be on the bleeding edge, that won’t bother you. If you aren’t ready to deal with the loss of this port, you might want to upgrade soon, and then baby that phone for a while until the transition is easier.